Third Country Nationals Work Visa Permit

Types of Work Visa Permit

Domestic work (DW)

Procedure for application submission, fees, processing time and duration of residence permit

For the employment of a third country national as a domestic worker the employer must fulfill one of the income criteria listed below:

Families with an annual gross total family income of at least:

  • €24.000 without children,
  • €30.000 with one (1) dependent child,
  • €36.000 with two (2) dependent children, and
  • €42.000 with three (3) or more dependent children.

Single-parent families with an annual gross total family income of at least:

  • €24.000 with one (1) dependent child,
  • €30.000 with two (2) dependent children, and
  • €36.000 with three (3) or more dependent children.

Single persons with an annual gross total income of at least €24,000.

Persons over the age of 65 with an annual gross total family income of at least:

  • €24.000 for a couple, and
  • €18.000 for solitary.

Following categories of employers are exempted from the income criteria:

  • People certified by the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Beneficiaries of the Guaranteed Minimum Income.
  • Beneficiaries of Low Pensioners’ Allowance and Beneficiaries of Incapacity and Invalidity Pension.

Employment of a male domestic worker

The employment of a male domestic worker is allowed only in cases where the employer has severe mobility problems (e.g. bedridden, severe disabilities or overweight) provided that a medical certificate is presented.

Minimum qualification for domestic workers

  • The minimum qualification for the employment of a domestic worker is the basic knowledge of the Greek or English language.
  • For the employment of a homolingual foreign domestic worker, in cases where the employer is a foreign national with permanent residence in Cyprus, knowledge of English or Greek is not required.

Entry in the Republic for the purpose of domestic work

A third-country national may enter the Republic in order to be employed as a domestic worker after obtaining an entry permit from the Department. The application for the entry permit must be submitted either by the employer or through an authorized representative. Nationals of Myanmar and Ethiopia are not allowed to enter the Republic in order to work as domestic workers.

Allowed number of domestic workers per employer

It is allowed to employ up to two domestic workers in the case the employer is bedridden or overweight.

It is allowed to employ up to three domestic workers in the case the employer:

  • suffers from severe disability, paraplegia or quadriplegia upon presentation of a relevant certificate from the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities,
  • suffers from severe physical disability upon presentation of a relevant certificate from the Guaranteed Minimum Income,
  • suffers from medium and heavy intellectual or mental disability upon presentation of a relevant certificate from the Guaranteed Minimum Income, and
  • individuals or families with an annual gross family income of at least €100,000.

Maximum allowed duration of stay

There is no maximum duration of stay for domestic workers.

Change of Employer

A domestic worker is not allowed to change more than 2 employers (i.e. total of 3 employers) unless:

  • the new employer is up to a second degree relative, or
  • the new employer is over 75 years old.

To apply for employment with a new employer, the domestic worker must provide the original release document signed by the previous employer along with a detailed statement from the Social Insurance Services. As the date of release by the previous employer will be noted the last payment of social security for the employee.

The following cases are not considered as change of employer:

  • death of the employer,
  • transfer of the employer to a nursing home or rehabilitation center,
  • employer immigration,
  • the commission of a criminal offence from the employer against the employee;
  • decision of the Department of Labour Relations in favor of the employee.

Salary of domestic workers

The minimum monthly gross salary is €460 regardless of the country of origin of the domestic worker. The above salary is subject to the following reductions:

  • Contributions to the Social Security Services (incl. GeSY),
  • 15% for food expenses when the worker is staying at the employer’s premises, and
  • 10% for accommodation expenses when the worker is staying at the employer’s premises.

Domestic worker accommodation

According to the legislation, a suitable space should be provided for the accommodation of the domestic worker, as follows:

  • a private room within the employer’s premises, or
  • a private room in an outbuilding of the employer’s premises, or
  • a private room in a rented building.

Remunerated employment (single permit - GEN)

Procedure for application submission for entry and residence, processing time and maximum duration of residence

Entry permit

In order for a third-country national to enter the Republic for work purposes, no matter who the employer will be and the kind of job, the third-country national is obliged to obtain an entry permit as per the provisions of the Legislation.

Athletes/Coaches of Individual and Team Sports, priests, and tourist representatives are excluded from the procedure for an entry permit since they can enter with an entry visa from the consular authorities of the Republic abroad.


After arriving in the Republic, the third-country national is required to proceed at the Civil Registry and Migration Department in order to be registered in the Aliens Register and obtain the temporary residence and employment permit by submitting an application and fees.

Submission of an application (see Domestic Workers)

  • An application for entry, residence and work permit can only be submitted at the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia. To find out whether an appointment is needed follow this link.
  • The application should be accompanied by the required supporting documents. Documents related to the issuance of an entry permit should be officially translated and duly certified.
  • In order to proceed with the submission of an application, the required fees (see below) must be paid.
  • In order to submit the application for temporary residence and work permit, the biometric data (photo and fingerprints) and the signature of the third-country national are required. Τhe biometric data may also be taken at the same time or shortly after the submission of the application, at the District Immigration Unit of the Police of the area of residence of the third-country national. It is noted that, the collection of biometric data is mandatory for the renewal of a temporary residence and work permit as well.
  • In case of approval of the application, the applicant will be informed by letter in order to collect the residence and work permit. In case of rejection of the application, the applicant will receive a letter about the reasons of the rejection.

Examination time of an application

The examination of an application and the issuance of a temporary residence and work permit is completed within four months. This time limit shall not apply and the examination time shall be increased if the application is not duly completed and documents are missing.

Duration of residence permit

The duration of a temporary residence and work permit may last up to three consecutive years.

Maximum duration of stay

The maximum period of stay of a third-country national for employment purposes is four (4) years.

For trainee accountants, the maximum duration is set at three years.

There is no maximum duration of stay for the following categories of employees:

  • Athletes and Coaches.
  • Workers in the farming and agricultural sector.
  • Syrian of Creta Origin and Kurds whose name is on the List approved by the Ministry of Interior.
  • Specialized Cooks.

Termination of employment contract and change of employer

By mutual agreement between the two parties, the employee and the employer, the employment contract can be terminated and the release document can be completed and signed jointly, in the presence of witnesses. The mutual termination of the contract may occur at any time, given the contract is valid. The release document allows the employee, within 30 days, to look for a new employer and apply in order to renew his temporary residence and work permit.

Special provisions for athletes/coaches of individual or team sports

A third-country national who will work as an Athlete/Coach of individual or team sports enters the Republic with a tourist visa and then applies at the Department for the residence and work permit, provided that she/he meets the conditions for a change of status from visitor to employee. It is noted that no approval from the Department of Labor is required.

Special provisions for trainee accountants

The maximum number of trainee accountants that a company can employ is 15% of the number of Cypriot trainee accountants. Of these, 30% may remain as accountants in the company after completing their studies, and until the completion of the period of 4 years and 9 months.

The maximum number of trainees per company is 5, provided that the relevant approval is obtained from the Department of Labour.

Special provisions for pub workers

The approval for the employment of a third-country national in a pub is granted by the competent Technical Committee. Approval is granted for the employment of 1 employee in every case with the possibility of obtaining a stamped contract for a second person, before the departure of the first.

The employee is not allowed, during the first 3 months from the day of arrival in the Republic, to change employer. Change of employer is allowed only in the cases where the employee has been working for the same employer for a period of at least 6 months.

Special provisions for priests

The employment of priests is allowed as long as there is a relevant letter of assignment / recruitment from the interested diocese / church.

Priests of the Maronite/Latin Church, whose name is on the relevant lists transmitted to the Ministry of Interior, can apply for up to three-year residence permits every time.

There is no maximum duration of stay.

Special provisions for holders of Special Identity Cards of the Diaspora, Syrians of Cretan origin and Kurds

Holders of Special Identity Cards of the Diaspora have free access to the labour market (i.e. without a sealed contract from the Department of Labour) and to self-employment, without time limit on their stay. However, for their family members, who do not hold the Special Identity Card and wish to be employed, the procedure for remunerated employment (single permit – GEN) has to be followed.

Syrians of Cretan origin whose name is on the list approved by the Ministry of Interior, and have completed 3 years of legal or illegal residence until March 2003, can apply for a residence and work permit without a sealed contract from the Department of Labour or for self-employment. In case they did not complete 3 years during the above period, then for their employment a sealed contract is required and the procedure for remunerated employment (single permit – GEN) has to be followed.

Kurds whose name is on the list approved by the Ministry of Interior and have completed 5 years of legal or illegal residence until March 2003, can apply for a residence and work permit without a sealed contract from the Department of Labour or for self-employment. In case they did not complete 5 years during the above period, then for their employment a sealed contract is required and

Employment – other cases (non-single permit – NSP)

Procedure for application submission for entry and residence, processing time and maximum duration of residence

Entry permit

In order for a third-country national to enter the Republic for work purposes, no matter who the employer will be and the kind of job, the third-country national is obliged to obtain an entry permit as per the provisions of the Legislation.

Tourist representatives and Journalists/Reporters are excluded from the procedure for an entry permit since they can enter with an entry visa from the consular authorities of the Republic abroad.


After arriving in the Republic, the third-country national is required to proceed at the Civil Registry and Migration Department in order to be registered in the Aliens Register and obtain the temporary residence and employment permit by submitting an application and fees.


Submission of an application

  • An application for entry, residence and work permit can be submitted at the application submission offices.
  • The application should be accompanied by the required supporting documents. Documents related to the issuance of an entry permit should be officially translated and duly certified.
  • In order to proceed with the submission of an application, the required fees must be paid.
  • In order to submit the application for temporary residence and work permit, the biometric data (photo and fingerprints) and the signature of the third-country national are required. Τhe biometric data may also be taken at the same time or shortly after the submission of the application, at the District Immigration Unit of the Police of the area of residence of the third-country national. It is noted that, the collection of biometric data is mandatory for the renewal of a temporary residence and work permit as well.
  • In case of approval of the application, the applicant will be informed by letter in order to collect the residence and work permit.
  • In case of rejection of the application, the applicant will receive a letter about the reasons of the rejection.


Examination time of an application

The examination of an application and the issuance of a temporary residence and work permit is completed within three months. This time limit shall not apply and the examination time shall be increased if the application is not duly completed and documents are missing.

Duration of residence permit

The duration of a temporary residence and work permit should not exit the period of one year.

Termination of employment contract and change of employer

By mutual agreement between the two parties, the employee and the employer, the employment contract can be terminated and the release document can be completed and signed jointly, in the presence of witnesses. The mutual termination of the contract may occur at any time, given the contract is valid. The release document allows the employee, within 30 days, to look for a new employer and apply in order to renew his temporary residence and work permit.

Re-entry into the Republic in the case there is a valid residence and work permit or an application has been submitted for the renewal of the work permit

In case there is a valid residence permit, re-entry into Cyprus can be achieved upon presentation of the permit and a valid passport, provided that the person concerned has not remained outside the Republic for more than three months.

In case an application has been submitted for a residence and work permit that has not yet been examined, then re-entry to the Republic can be obtained with the payment receipt provided after the submission of the application fees, which bears a stamp allowing re-entry into Cyprus. In case of loss of the payment receipt, the interested parties, before their departure from the Republic, must apply to the Department for a request for a re-entry permit, explaining the reasons why they must travel while the application is still pending. The form is provided for completion on the spot and upon presentation of a valid passport and stamp duties of €10,25. Usually, the request is examined at the same time. As a rule, a re-entry permit is granted only for serious reasons (e.g. medical reasons).

Re-entry into the Republic for re-employment

A third – country national, who is not a prohibited immigrant and did not complete the maximum stay during his previous stay in Cyprus, can return with the usual procedure.

A third – country national who for any reason departed from Cyprus while having a contract in force, can return and be employed by another employer after a three-month stay abroad, but within the maximum period of stay, which is calculated cumulatively together with the period of employment with the first employer. Otherwise, the consent of the previous employer for a change of job is required.

Seasonal work (ESW)

Definition of seasonal work

Seasonal work indicates any activity that depends on the change of the season. In Cyprus, the sectors of employment that depend on the change of seasons, have been determined by a relevant decree of the Council of Ministers.

Maximum permitted duration of stay

The maximum period of stay and employment for seasonal workers must not exceed the period of 8 months within a 12-month period. A third-country national cannot apply for seasonal work in the case he already completed the period of 6 years of residence and seasonal work in the Republic. After completing the maximum period of stay, the third-country national must leave the territory of the Republic, unless he is granted a residence permit under the national law for purposes other than seasonal work.

Entry in the Republic, residence and work permit for more than 90 days

In the case that the seasonal work will last for a period over 90 days, an application for the issuing of an entry permit and a residence permit is required.

The application is submitted by the employer at the application submission offices while the third-country national is abroad given that the relevant fees, set by the relevant Decree of the Minister of the Interior, are paid.  The application is examined within 90 days from the date of its submission, provided that it is fully completed and all the necessary documents have been submitted. Otherwise, the deadline counts from the date of completion of the application.

After obtaining the entry permit, the third country national is allowed to enter into the Republic upon presentation of the permit and a valid travel document.

Within 7 days from the date of arrival, the application for temporary residence and work permit, the biometric data (photo and fingerprints) and the signature of the third-country national are required. Τhe biometric data may also be taken at the same time or shortly after the submission of the application, at the District Immigration Unit of the Police of the area of residence of the third-country national. It is noted that, the collection of biometric data is mandatory for the renewal of a temporary residence and work permit as well.

Renewal of work permit

Seasonal employees are allowed to extend their stay in the Republic for the purpose of seasonal work, provided that the conditions of the Law, including those for maximum stay for up to 8 months within a 12-month period, are met.   

For the extension of the stay, it is required to submit an application for the renewal seasonal work permit at the application submission offices with the payment of the fees set by the relevant Decree of the Minister of Interior. It is noted that, the collection of biometric data is mandatory for the renewal of a temporary residence and work permit for seasonal worker as well.

The application is examined within 90 days of its submission provided that it is duly completed and all necessary documents have been submitted. Otherwise, the deadline counts from the date the missing documents have been submitted.

Change of employer

Seasonal workers are allowed to extend their stay in the Republic for the purpose of seasonal work due to a change of employer, provided that the conditions of the legislation, including the those for maximum stay, are met.

For the extension of the stay, it is required to submit a relevant application for the renewal of the seasonal work permit due to the change of employer, with the payment of the fees set by the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior. The collection of biometric data is mandatory for the renewal of a temporary residence and work permit as seasonal worker.

For convenience, the required documents for the submission of the application are given in the lists of documents.

The application is examined within 90 days of its submission provided that it is duly completed and all necessary documents have been submitted. Otherwise, the deadline counts from the date the missing documents have been submitted.